May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

7 Church Lane 
Kirkby Green 
LN4 3PF 
PHONE: 07961 892 012 
WEBSITE: www.parishes/ 

Present:    PC Simon Grantham (Chair), PC Richard Scarborough (Vice Chair), PC Sarah 

Lawrence (Deputy Vice Chair), PC Jackie Morris, PC Jonathan Pearson, PC Gillian Flatters.  
Also present:  CC Rob Kendrick, Audrey Wayman (St Oswald’s church) and St Oswalds new Church Warden, Rhea Musgrove (Friends of Walcott School), T. Martin (Clerk). 
1.   Apologies for Absence. 

1.1 PC G Black, DC G Ogden, Darren Brewin (Chair, Walcott Village Hall)  
2.   Notes of the AGM meeting held on 24th May 2018.  

2.1 The notes were agreed and signed off as minutes.
3.   Chairman’s report. 

3.1 The Chairman reported that the PCSO carried out a speed check in the village recently and will be asked to carry them out in the future when shifts allow at peak journey times. Late last year Jean Scott was presented with her garden bench after her retirement as Parish Councillor. There was a village walkabout around the village early in the year with Rowan Smith of Highways and CC Rob Kendrick. The holes at West End were temporarily sorted out. One of the projects for this year is to encourage more interest in Catley Abbey. The grass is being kept cut regularly, repairs are to be made to the style and organising a new information board to replace the old one is a priority for this coming year. The Costell’s development approaches its first property to be finished which has also been sold. The Dyson development is now carrying on at a pace and there are two developments still to complete.

4. County Councillors report.  

4.1 The County Councillor read a report. The new Lincoln by- pass is due to be finished on time and there are no foreseeable holdups. This will bring better access to the hospital, and fewer hold ups in the town. Two million pounds has been saved with the streetlights being turned off. There has been no reported increase in crime because of this. Library services have received £100,000 funding from the government for new books and computers. 
5.District Councillor report.  

5.1 A report was read out in DC Gill Ogden’s absence. North Kesteven retained its title for the safest place to live for the fifth year running. The new waste service in Metheringham was delivered on time and on budget with the building of new small units which have all been rented. The first electric car charging points were installed at One NK sports centre and new parking meters that take contactless or card payments have been installed. As part of the new and ongoing improvements in Sleaford a new cinema is planned as well as the ongoing need to build and improve council homes stock.
6. Walcott Church report. 

6.1 Audrey Wayman read a report on behalf of the Church and introduced Peter, the new Church Warden. A new vicar was appointed last November, the Reverend Steve Holt. There has been a rise in the numbers attending the congregations which is good news for the church and a new person has come forward to cut the churchyard grass and keep it tidy. 
7.Walcott Primary School report. 

7.1 The Chair of ‘The Friends of Walcott School’ Rhea Musgrove attended the AGM to read a report. Fundraising is an ongoing job for the ‘friends’ and helps fund new toys, trips to the Kinema, the planting of daffodil bulbs around the school, year 6 leavers books etc. They also run a gardening club and have recently won funding for a new sensory garden as a place for quiet and calm as well as a place to unwind and new picnic tables have been installed. 
8.Walcott Village Hall report. 

8.1 A report was read out on behalf of the Village Hall. Fundraising is ongoing with events being organised including an 80’s night and a band night. New paving slabs have been laid at the entrance to the Village Hall at a cost of £560 and the ones at the rear will shortly be replaced/repaired as required. New smaller round tables for the hall have been purchased and in August it was agreed to allow a Fish and Chip van to use the car park on a Friday evening.
9. Any other business.

There was no other business.